Minnesota Women Ceramic Artists is a professional organization that supports

ceramic artists who identify as women in Minnesota. MNWCA provides its members opportunities for exhibiting, networking and mentoring throughout their ceramic careers. MNWCA furthers the creative and professional development of its members.

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  • Extra Hot Earthenware:Forming and Firing Techniques

Extra Hot Earthenware:Forming and Firing Techniques

  • 11 Jun 2016
  • 9:00 AM
  • 12 Jun 2016
  • 6:00 PM
  • 27607 Grenada Ave, Farmington, MN 55024


Join 2016 National Council on Ceramic Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA) emerging artist Tom Jaszczak, and his partner, Maggie Finlayson, as they present the ins and outs of mid-range earthenware on Saturday, June 11 from 9am - 3pm. Tom and Maggie will introduce an array of unique approaches to form, including individual bisque molds, drape molds, altering on the wheel, adding coil-built features, developing handles, and trimming thrown pots off the wheel. Tom and Maggie will share information about effective decorating techniques that can be used at any temperature range. Additionally, on Saturday from 3 - 6pm, eight participants can sign up to participate in an experimental cone 3 soda firing. Glazing will begin at 3pm Saturday afternoon and continue into the early evening with kiln loading. Work for this firing must be made out of clay that is rated to at least cone 3 (Continental Clay’s low fire red earthenware is recommended) and already be bisqued. The workshop will provide glazes and slips.

On Sunday, June 12th , the workshop will continue with firing the soda kiln alongside Tom Jaszczak and Donovan Palmquist of Master Kiln Builders.  This will be an incredible opportunity to join two of the field’s accomplished firers as they push the boundaries of earthenware in this experimental firing​. The mid-range soda firing will finish around 6pm on Sunday.

Don't miss out on this incredible clay opportunity!  Register online at www.cannonriverclaytour.com, call Donovan at 612-645-9868, or email: kilnbuilders@gmail.com

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